Most beginner climbers complain of being tired when climbing. The long journey and steep terrain make the climber’s body tired quickly. Symptoms of fatigue that they experience, including: legs feel heavy, body limp, staggering and shoulder pain. Actually, they don’t want to be a burden to their entourage, but the conditions are not supportive. If the situation is forced, novice climbers will lose motivation to reach the top. In extreme cases, novice climbers who push themselves can get sick from exhaustion and cold. As a result, the climbing team needed the help of the SAR team to evacuate victims.

Do physical exercise before climbing the mountain

The first way to climb a mountain so you don’t get tired is to have a physically fit and strong. Physical fitness is one of the secrets of climbers who can walk long distances without feeling tired. If compared to a motorbike, a fit climber has a motorbike engine that is always primed with a large CC. So, he can go fast and not get tired easily.

You can also get a fit physique. The condition is that you have to be willing to practice. At least, you need physical exercise for 2 weeks before going up the mountain.

Climb at a steady pace and rhythm

Climbing is not a sprint, climbing is like running a marathon. You need to get your own pace and rhythm so you don’t get tired easily. This is because your physical condition is different from other people’s physical conditions. The length of your stride is different from the reach of other people’s feet.

In order not to tire quickly, climb at a steady pace and rhythm. One breath for the next 3 steps, the next breath for the next 3 steps. You can adjust the suitability of the number of steps and the rhythm of your breath according to terrain conditions. But, we remind you again! Consistency is important. If you are comfortable with 3 steps of inhaling and 3 steps of exhaling, then be consistent with that. If you need to count, the goal is to get used to it.

Take a break when breathing is unstable and heart rate is too fast

Resting between climbing activities is important. Rest regularly can maintain the rhythm of climbing. In between breaks, you can eat, drink and have fun with your friends.

Get used to climbing with short steps consistently

Tips for climbing mountains so you don’t get tired quickly, the next step is to take small steps consistently. At the beginning of our discussion, we explained that climbing a mountain is like running a marathon. So, you can take the marathon runner’s technique for mountain climbing. For example, breathing techniques, self-affirmation techniques and marathon running techniques.

Get used to standing with the whole foot, not the tip of the foot

The mistake of beginner climbers who complains of getting tired quickly is the wrong way to stand. Beginner climbers are always origin in choosing a foothold when climbing, according to them it is a challenge. In fact, if the ground or their stepping stone is too small, they will stand on their toes. This makes the calf and thigh muscles tired quickly.

Keep your body upright while climbing

Luggage during the hike is heavy. There are novice climbers who carry a carrier bag weighing 7 kg – 10 kg. If your body position is wrong during the hike, your muscles will get stiff, sore and tired.

Don’t complain during the trip, give positive affirmations at every step

Remember one of the marathon runner techniques we shared earlier? Yes, positive affirmations can maintain the mental qualities of a marathon runner. That also applies to climbers. A climber who has a good physique but is easy to complain will get tired easily. Because in him, negative thoughts arise continuously. This makes the climber’s body not programmed properly. Thus, the body’s metabolism and energy will decrease.

If you don’t want to get tired easily, always give positive affirmations for your soul and body. Positive words, positive beliefs, positive self-confidence, all of that will make you excited and not easily tired. Laughing or talking about something positive can also relieve fatigue in the body. Because this will trigger a feeling of happiness, so the body releases the hormone oxytocin in excess. Remember! Happy people don’t get tired easily.