How To Design Outdoor Living Spaces for a Small Yard


Creating a beautiful outdoor living space in your small yard can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible! By following some tried-and-true design tips, you can create outdoor living spaces that look and feel large.

Here are five tips to get you started

How To Design Outdoor Living Spaces for a Small Yard

Use Walls Strategically

When designing outdoor living spaces for a small yard, it’s important to use walls strategically. You can use walls to create privacy, define different areas, and even add extra storage. Plus, using vertical space can help make a small yard feel larger.

Here are some tips on how to use walls when designing outdoor living spaces:

  • Create your own private space with an evergreen hedge or bamboo screens that can be arranged in a number of ways depending on the amount of privacy you want.
  • Add interest with containers overflowing with colorful flowers, lush succulents, or lively herbs; you’ll enjoy watching them
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AllOutdoor Review – 5.11 PT-R Havoc Pro Shorts Mini Review


Patrik Orcutt   01.02.23

AllOutdoor Review – 5.11 PT-R Havoc Pro Shorts Mini Review

Let me just make this review really easy for you, 5.11 makes trainer shorts, and they rock! There has been a shift in the tactical market in the last ten years to start incorporating athletic equipment and gear into the forefront of their marketing. It’s like people finally realized that having a physically fit body was as, if not more important than having a rifle and gear that they hardly ever actually use. Back in September 5.11 sent me some goodies for testing and in all honesty, the PT-R Havoc Pro Shorts were probably at the bottom of the list in regards to what I was excited about testing. Fast Forward a few months and countless gym sessions later and I have really come to enjoy using these shorts in the gym and on the hiking trails. 

The PT-R Havoc Pro Shorts were provided by 5.11 for

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Gaining the Clinical Experience to Get into Med School: EMT Training and Direct Patient Care


Experience is among the biggest hurdles you need to clear in order to enter any competitive profession. However, clearing this hurdle can be especially challenging for those entering the medical field because it’s unlikely you can get into medical school without some experience under your belt.

Unlike other professions, the field of medicine offers internship opportunities only upon graduation from medical school. So, the question for many high school and college students aspiring to become doctors is this: How do I get the patient care experience I need to get into medical school if I’m not a doctor?

Our solution? Perhaps the best clinical experience for pre-med can be obtained by training for and working as an emergency medical technician (EMT). As an EMT, you get diverse hands-on patient care experience in a fast-paced, high-intensity treatment environment while working closely with firefighters, police officers, doctors, and other emergency-response and medical

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Best Bow Stabilizers for 2022


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Published Oct 23, 2022 8:00 AM

Stabilizers are arguably the most misunderstood pieces of archery gear that bowhunters put on compound bows.

Target archers know how to use them to balance and stabilize their rigs. But bowhunters just seem to want something short and stubby, which results in almost none of the stabilizing benefits stabilizers are designed to produce.

Well, I’m here to tell you not only which stabilizers I’ve picked as my “best in class,” but I’m going to tell you what to look for in a stabilizer and how to use them properly.

At Lancaster Archery Supply, I get to see, feel and test most of the stabilizers on the market, so I have a pretty good idea of which ones lead the way. But just to confirm my

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Hybrid EMT Training Now Available in Oregon and North Carolina | Blog


Long touted for offering hybrid EMT instruction in North Carolina, The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) is now offering Hybrid EMT training in Oregon.

This highly effective 21-day EMT training includes 10 days of virtual instruction delivered online, followed by 11 days of hands-on, practical training in Oregon’s Tygh Valley. The program offers an ideal format for college students, premed students, working professionals, and anyone else who appreciates the flexibility of learning in a fast-paced hybrid format.

Whether you choose a hybrid EMT training program that features in-person, hands-on skills training in Oregon or North Carolina, your NCOAE training and experience will include the following:

Before your course begins: We’ll ask you to complete up to 30 hours of asynchronous web-based training using our online eLearning platform. The benefit to this approach is having the opportunity to learn at your own pace. That means the 25-30 hours

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